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Dive Nr:30
Date:Wednesday 23-07-2008
Time In:15:19
Duration:58:00 (mm:ss)
Site:North Male Atoll Show dives in this country   Show dives map
Location:Okobe Buda Thila (Barracuda Thila)
Buddies:François L.A. Knoppel
Weather:Partly cloudy
Water type:Salt
Diving in:Sea
Depth Max.:88.6 Feet
Depth Avg.:49.9 Feet
Visibility:32.8 - 98.4 Feet
Weight:13 Lbs
Temperature Air:84 Fahrenheit
Temperature Surface:84 Fahrenheit
Temperature Bottom:84 Fahrenheit
SAC:0.62 Cubic Feet/min
Gas Used:15 Liter Steel (Air) 3046 - 580 PSI : 90 Cubic Feet
Remarks:Very good dive with Francois. We followed Shinobu and Gijs in the beginning. She pointed out some nice marine life! A giant (at least 2m) napoleon fish, eagle ray, turtle, scorpion fish, several moray eels, large schools of yellow snapper and a blackblotched stingray chilling out on the bottom between Okobe Thila and Barracuda Thila.
Gear:Boots, Fins, Full suit 3mm, IST Mask, Suunto Vyper

5 items; 604.00 total cost; 19.84 Lbs weight

Dive types:Boat, Fun
Marine Life:

Max ascent rate: 0 Meter/min
Max descent rate: 17.1 Meter/min

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