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Dive Nr:17
Date:Monday 30-07-2007
Time In:09:26
Duration:56:00 (mm:ss)
Site:Marsa Alam Show dives in this country   Show dives map
Location:Marsa Gabal el Rosas
Buddies:François L.A. Knoppel
Water type:Salt
Diving in:Sea
Depth Max.:20.1 Meter
Depth Avg.:12.5 Meter
Visibility:15 - 25 Meter
Weight:6 Kg
Temperature Air:30 Celsius
Temperature Surface:30 Celsius
Temperature Bottom:29 Celsius
SAC:15.24 Liter/min
Gas Used:12 Liter Steel (Air) 215 - 55 Bar : 1920 Liter
Remarks:Finding Nemo! Boat dive with 7 others. Descended straight to 15m, then further along the bottom to 20m. Nice large anemones with clown fishes of all sizes! Then ascended to 16m along the nice formations of hard corals. At the end we passed a huge salad coral at 8m.
Gear:Boots, Fins, Shorty 2mm, Snorkel, Tribord Mask

5 items; 80.00 total cost; 8.50 Kg weight

Dive types:Boat, Fun
Marine Life:
Salad coral Salad coral Found Nemo
Salad coral

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