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Dive Nr:4
Date:Wednesday 13-07-2005
Time In:09:45
Duration:45:00 (mm:ss)
Site:Tatawa Basar Show dives in this country   Show dives map
Buddies:Stefanie Pagani
Water type:Salt
Diving in:Sea
Boat:Reefseekers private boat
Depth Max.:18.0 Meter
Depth Avg.:13.0 Meter
Visibility:0 - 30 Meter
Weight:6 Kg
Temperature Air:0 Celsius
Temperature Surface:0 Celsius
Temperature Bottom:28 Celsius
SAC:0 Liter/min
Gas Used:Steel (Air) 205 - 40 Bar : 1980 Liter
Remarks:Open Water Dive #3

Unexpected strong current when we got in the water. Did some skills when we got to a point where the current wasn't present anymore:

Underwater navigation, hovering, mask removal and the controlled emergency swimming ascent.

Saw a star pufferfish during the dive, and of course lots more, but it all passed by so fast!

An hour after the dive we saw 30+ Manta rays while snorkeling as well as a stingray, a blue spotted stingray and an eagle ray


0 items; 0.00 total cost; 11.00 Kg weight

Dive types:Boat Dive, Drift Dive
Marine Life:
The Reefseekers Boat Manta from the boat

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