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Dive Nr:16
Date:Sunday 29-07-2007
Time In:16:19
Duration:71:00 (mm:ss)
Site:Marsa Alam Show dives in this country   Show dives map
Location:Marsa Shagra
Buddies:François L.A. Knoppel
Water type:Salt
Diving in:Sea
Depth Max.:14.5 Meter
Depth Avg.:6.9 Meter
Visibility:10 - 25 Meter
Weight:6 Kg
Temperature Air:30 Celsius
Temperature Surface:30 Celsius
Temperature Bottom:29 Celsius
SAC:16.5 Liter/min
Gas Used:12 Liter Steel (Air) 225 - 60 Bar : 1980 Liter
Remarks:Shore dive along the Northern reef. Swam along the upper part of the reef, with Gijs and René snorkling above us. We spotted a giant moray, which just swam below us. We descended chasing it to 14m. Lots of goatfish, parrotfish and groupers. Relaxing slow dive.
Gear:Boots, Fins, Shorty 2mm, Snorkel, Tribord Mask

5 items; 80.00 total cost; 8.50 Kg weight

Dive types:Fun, Shore
Marine Life:

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