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Dive Nr:7
Date:Sunday 30-07-2006
Time In:08:15
Duration:45:00 (mm:ss)
Site:Great Barrier Reef Show dives in this country   Show dives map
Location:Stepping Stones, Bait Reef
Buddies:François L.A. Knoppel
Water type:Salt
Diving in:Sea
Boat:Spank Me
Depth Max.:21.0 Meter
Depth Avg.:12.0 Meter
Visibility:15 - 15 Meter
Weight:6 Kg
Temperature Air:21 Celsius
Temperature Surface:21 Celsius
Temperature Bottom:20 Celsius
SAC:0 Liter/min
Gas Used:
Remarks:Prior to entering the water a great amount of Batfish and a Maori Wrasse were swimming around the boat.

Great drift dive along the Stepping Stones. First time to see

sharks (3 whitetip reef sharks) and a Hawksbill turtle. Blue spotted lagoon rays, not too many corals. Went through a nice tunnel. The whales in the vicinty could be heard underwater!!

Dived with divemaster Chey, Francois and a group of Swedish guys.


0 items; 0.00 total cost; 6.00 Kg weight

Dive types:Boat, Fun
Marine Life:
Bait Reef as seen from the boat Humpback Whale enjoying the warm waters Stepping Stones
Maori Wrasse swimming around the boat Bait Reef

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