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Dive Nr:23
Date:Wednesday 01-08-2007
Time In:12:24
Duration:62:00 (mm:ss)
Site:Marsa Alam Show dives in this country   Show dives map
Location:Shaab Samadai
Buddies:François L.A. Knoppel
Water type:Salt
Diving in:Sea
Boat:Silver Wave
Depth Max.:15.4 Meter
Depth Avg.:8.0 Meter
Visibility:15 - 25 Meter
Weight:6 Kg
Temperature Air:30 Celsius
Temperature Surface:30 Celsius
Temperature Bottom:29 Celsius
SAC:19.35 Liter/min
Gas Used:12 Liter Steel (Air) 240 - 60 Bar : 2160 Liter
Remarks:First 'cave' dive (it was not really a cave, as it had quite some holes in the roof). Entered the water spotting a large titan triggerfish digging in the sand for food, with some other fish surrounding it, waiting for it to catch something. Swam through an arch and found a huge red sea coral grouper showing off its teeth. At 6m we entered the 'cave'. Spotted a blackspotted sweetlips in the cave, and a giant moray between the rocks on the way out. We continued along some great coral gardens. Lots of anemones with clownfish. The guide spotted a nudibranch Pyjama chromodorid). Again some yellowspotted trevally. Very nice dive.
Gear:Boots, Fins, Shorty 2mm, Snorkel, Tribord Mask

5 items; 80.00 total cost; 8.50 Kg weight

Dive types:Boat, Fun
Marine Life:
More clownfish! Spot the Nudibranch! Gijs and Ren
Anemones with clownfish Me looking for the smaller stuff Francois in the cave
Me in the cave Me in the cave

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