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Dive Nr:12
Date:Sunday 30-07-2006
Time In:14:05
Duration:30:00 (mm:ss)
Site:Stepping Stones Show dives in this country   Show dives map
Buddies:Chey, Jasper Hesselink
Water type:Salt
Diving in:Sea
Boat:Spank Me
Depth Max.:21.0 Meter
Depth Avg.:17.0 Meter
Visibility:0 - 15 Meter
Weight:0 Kg
Temperature Air:24 Celsius
Temperature Surface:24 Celsius
Temperature Bottom:24 Celsius
SAC:0 Liter/min
Gas Used:Steel (Air) 200 - 70 Bar : 1560 Liter
Remarks:Nice weather, dove with instructor and 6 certs including myself. Aoife had clearing issues and had to go up. While waiting for Chey to come back Jan took off and got seperated from us.

After 5 minutes of wasting air, we went up and saw Chey 100 metres away (practice your nav skills man!! ;-)

In the process we saw a free floating hawksbill turtle and some giant bumpheads.

Finally going down we sam some massive bommies with lots of coral. Just a little bit of damage and bleach, but impressive still. Highlights were a short tunnel swim (5m) and sighting 3 or 4 different white-tip reef sharks.

We also saw one blue spotted bull ray.

Best of all was that we had a soundtrack of singing whales with singing babies. (We saw some breaching afterwards and one of the wales came within 30m of the boat as well)

Very nice dive!


0 items; 0.00 total cost; 5.00 Kg weight

Dive types:Boat Dive
Marine Life:
Stepping Stones Bait Reef Napoleon Wrasse

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