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Almanak voor de onderwatersport - Henk van Vlimmeren - 9061204097 Choosing & Using Underwater Strobes - Jim Church - Diver's Guide to Underwater America - Kate Kelley, John Shobe - 0961152222 Mysteries of the Red Sea - David Pilosof - Ocean Planet - Wade Doak - 0340366672
The Decompression Workbook - George S. Lewbel - 0866360239 The Great Caving Adventure  - Martyn Farr - 0946609101 The Physicians Guide to Diving Medicine - C.B. Carlston, R.A. Mathiass, C.W. Shilling - 0306414287 The Undersea Predators - Carl Roessler - 0871968932 Underwater Photography: Scientific and Engineering Applications - Paul Ferris Smith - 0442279620
UNDERWATER PHYSIOLOGY VIII - Matzen, Bachrach - Within a Rainbowed Sea - Christopher Newbert , Paul Berry - 0681299088