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Dive Nr:22
Date:Monday 30-07-2007
Time In:09:25
Duration:57:00 (mm:ss)
Site:Marsa Gabal El Rosas (Nemo City) Show dives in this country   Show dives map
Buddies:Jasper Hesselink
Water type:Salt
Diving in:Sea
Depth Max.:20.1 Meter
Depth Avg.:12.4 Meter
Visibility:15 - 20 Meter
Weight:10 Kg
Temperature Air:40 Celsius
Temperature Surface:30 Celsius
Temperature Bottom:29 Celsius
SAC:17.86 Liter/min
Gas Used:Steel (Air) 230 - 40 Bar : 2280 Liter
Remarks:We wanted to find Nemo, which we did.

Him and all his minute almost see-through siblings and his parents. The most spectacular part was the coral, however. Absolutely gigantic slopes of pristine hard corals, as well as a huge bit of salad coral (supposedly the largest of some large region :-).

Gear:5mm booties (European Size 43), 5mm overall wetsuit, Caravelle fins

3 items; 167.00 total cost; 15.00 Kg weight

Dive types:Boat Dive
Marine Life:
Anemone Salad coral Exit (too close to the reef!)
Observing Jasper

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